Tanggap darurat, rehabilitasi, dan rekonstruksi: Studi kasus gempa Cianjur
community empowerment, disaster management, natural disastersAbstract
Natural disasters, such as earthquakes and flash floods, are unavoidable events that often have significant impacts on community life. In November 2022, a 5.6 magnitude earthquake struck Cianjur, followed by a flash flood in March 2023. These two events caused extensive damage to infrastructure, housing, and the agricultural sector. Post-disaster recovery requires integrated efforts, including effective and sustainable community empowerment. The National Disaster Management Plan (RAN PB) 2020-2024 and the concepts of community empowerment from the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and A Ladder of Citizen Participation serve as the foundation for disaster management in Cianjur. Through the integration of these concepts and methods, efforts such as infrastructure rehabilitation and reconstruction, economic capacity building, disaster preparedness training, establishment of communication forums, and monitoring and evaluation are undertaken to build community resilience. The implementation of community empowerment in the post-disaster phase involves the government, non-governmental organizations, and local communities. These steps are expected to help the people of Cianjur recover from the effects of disasters and build resilience for the future. The success of this program requires close cooperation, efficient coordination, capacity building for communities, and adequate resource allocation. By implementing effective and sustainable community empowerment programs, it is hoped that the people of Cianjur will have better resilience in facing future disasters.
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