Examining the impact of communication during disasters: A case of perennial flooding along the Niger
communication, crisis, disaster management, flooding, informationAbstract
Background: Communication remains a valuable tool needed for the survival of humans and societies. Even in the midst of natural and man-made disasters, communication has proven to be an indispensable component. Therefore, this study examines the impact of communication during disasters in Nigeria. Specifically, the study is on the use of communication during flood events along the River Niger which flows through some states in the country. Methods: This study is based on the theoretical framework of the disaster communication management model. This study focused on three states of Anambra, Edo and Kogi for the study. Using Cochran’s statistical formula for sample size determination, the study sampled 664 from the population of the three states and used questionnaires as the data collection instrument. Commencing in 2022, the study spanned over a period of three years as online surveys and physical administration of questionnaires were explored to collect data within the stipulated time. Findings: The study findings revealed that several communication media and channels were explored for exchange during flood disasters and these were group, interpersonal and customary channels such as town spokespersons as well as traditional media of radio and TV. Furthermore, the study found that while interpersonal, group and indigenous media channels were effective, the same could not be said of traditional media and new media platforms. Conclusion: Disaster communication is an effective way towards disaster management, and among others, recommends that stakeholders should prioritize risk communication to minimize losses caused by disasters especially floods in Nigeria. The study revealed that confusion, infrastructure damage and lack of knowledge on community-based approaches are some of the challenges faced in communication during disasters. Novelty/Originality of this article: This study highlights the effectiveness of interpersonal, group and indigenous media communication in flood disaster response, which proved to be more effective than traditional and digital media.
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