Air pollution threatens health and climate change in Jakarta


  • Salza Afifa Aulia Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, President University;, Bekasi, Jawa Barat, 17530, Indonesia, Indonesia



air pollution; Air Quality Index (AQI); climate change; PM 2.5.


Background: Currently air pollution is one of the main problems in Jakarta. Due to the lifestyle of the people of Jakarta who are more consumptive of vehicles and also the number of skyscrapers so that this has an impact on increasing air pollution which results in climate change and also become one of the causes of decreased child health. The purpose of this research is to determine the air pollution in Jakarta through the NAFAS application, whether or not it is in accordance with global air quality standards. Methods: The data of this study are Air Pollution Particles of PM 2.5. while samples are taken periodically for up to a month. Findings: One of the particles in air pollution that is being discussed is PM 2.5. PM 2.5 comes from both natural and human sources. Particulate matter (PM) is a type of particle that consists of solid or liquid droplets found in the air. Conclusion: These particles are also sometimes referred to as aerosols. These particles come from both natural and human sources, such as fields, fires,dirt roads, and construction sites. Many particles are formed in the air as a result of complex reactions caused by chemicals in the atmosphere from sources such as power plants, factories, and vehicles.


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