Aim and Scope

Human and Error Safety (HES) is a leading peer-reviewed and open-access journal, published by Institute for Advanced Social, Science, and Sustainable Future (IASSSF), Jakarta, Indonesia, with e-ISSN: 3062-8105. HES is published twice a year (February and August), and all articles published are available online with open access.



The aim of HES is to advance the field of human error analysis and safety management by providing a scholarly platform for research that addresses the multifaceted nature of human error in safety-critical environments. The journal seeks to contribute to the enhancement of safety practices by exploring the root causes, consequences, and mitigation strategies of human error, ultimately aiming to improve safety outcomes across diverse industries.



HES is dedicated to publishing high-caliber research that examines the interplay between human behavior and safety systems. The journal prioritizes studies that investigate human factors, safety culture, and error prevention strategies. Contributions that offer novel insights into reducing error rates and enhancing safety protocols are highly valued.



This journal seeks to publish a broad range of scholarly articles, including: 

  1. Human Factors and Safety Systems: Research on the cognitive, physical, and emotional aspects of human performance within safety systems, including studies on ergonomics, decision-making, workload, and stress effects on safety outcomes.

  2. Error Analysis and Prevention: Detailed examination of methodologies for identifying, analyzing, and mitigating human errors. This includes the development and evaluation of error prevention strategies and interventions.

  3. Safety Culture and Organizational Practices: Analysis of how organizational culture and practices impact safety performance. Studies may include safety climate, leadership, communication strategies, and training programs designed to foster a robust safety culture.

  4. Technology and Human Interaction: Investigation into how technology interacts with human operators in safety-critical systems. Research topics may encompass automation, system design, and the dual role of technology in both contributing to and alleviating human error.

  5. Risk Management Integration: Examination of how human error considerations are integrated into risk management frameworks. This includes evaluating the effectiveness of risk assessment methods in addressing human factors and preventing errors.

  6. Incident and Accident Analysis: Research focused on learning from past safety incidents and accidents to identify patterns and improve safety measures. This involves detailed analysis and application of lessons learned to enhance safety protocols.

  7. Human Error in Emerging Technologies: Exploration of human error issues within new and evolving technological domains, such as cybersecurity, autonomous systems, and advanced manufacturing. Studies should address the unique challenges and solutions related to these cutting-edge fields.