Manajemen risiko pada industri batu bara
coal industry; ISO 31000; risk management; work safety.Abstract
Background: The coal industry has a high potential risk of work accidents and occupational diseases, therefore implementing risk management is important to maintain work safety and health. This paper aims to analyze the application of risk management based on ISO 31000 in the coal industry. Methods: This paper uses a literature study method, which is sourced from literature such as scientific articles, books, journals and online media. Findings: Risk management methods begin with establishing the internal and external context of the coal industry. Next, hazards and risks are identified at all stages of the coal production process, from land clearing, soil transportation, rock excavation, to coal transportation and storage. Conclusion: The identification results are analyzed using a likelihood and consequence matrix to determine the level of risk. Unacceptable risks are further evaluated and appropriate controls recommended. Control is carried out by technical engineering, administration and the use of personal protective equipment. The entire risk management process needs to be monitored and reviewed regularly. Implementing a risk management system in the coal industry can reduce work accident rates and improve production quality.
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