Kesehatan kerja dan penyakit akibat kerja: studi kasus penyakit otot rangka dan sendi di tempat kerja
ergonomics; low back pain; office workers; prevention; risk factors.Abstract
Background: Low back pain (LBP) or lower back pain is a musculoskeletal disease that often occurs in workers who carry out sitting activities for long periods of time, such as office workers. Methods: This paper uses a literature study method, which is sourced from literature such as scientific articles, books, journals and online media. Findings: The main cause of LBP is inappropriate ergonomic factors such as working position and equipment used. LBP can cause a decrease in productivity and reduce the quality of life of workers. The aim of this study is to analyze risk factors, pathophysiology, and efforts to prevent LBP in workers based on a literature review. Conclusion: The study results show that risk factors for LBP include individual factors (age, gender), work factors (work position, work load), and environmental factors (work room temperature). Pathophysiologically, LBP occurs due to disturbances in the anatomical structure of the spine which are triggered by static working positions for long periods of time. Recommendations for preventing LBP in workers include increasing education about LBP and ergonomic working positions, regular health checks, and physical activity or stretching. It is hoped that this study can become a reference in efforts to prevent LBP in workers.
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