Pengalaman pendampingan keluarga dalam merawat anggota keluarga dengan stroke di RS X
family; caring; assistance; experience; stroke.Abstract
Background: Globally, stroke is the second leading cause of death and the third leading cause of disability and affects people in lower-middle to low-income countries. For 15 years, stroke has caused many deaths and affected the socio-economic development of society. Around 800,000 people suffer from stroke each year, more than 140,000 people die, and those who recover from stroke experience disability (Mahendra B, V.I, 2021). Findings: Stroke in Asia is a disease that is a serious problem among other countries, considering that the human population in the Asian continent covers 60% of the world's population. Deaths from stroke in Asia are the highest compared to other countries, such as America and Australia. Japan, Singapore, Bangladesh, Papua New Guinea, and Bhutan are Asian countries with low stroke mortality rates, while Mongolia has the highest rate, which is 222.6 per 100,000 population per year, then Indonesia with a stroke mortality rate of 193.3 per 100,000 population per year, followed by North Korea and Myanmar (Venketasubramanian et al., 2017). Methods: This study uses a qualitative research method which is a method that focuses on interpretation and a scientific (naturalistic) approach to the research subject. Conclusion: Efforts are needed to increase the knowledge of families with stroke patients and the community regarding stroke prevention, one of which is by maintaining a diet, exercising, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle because stroke can attack all age groups and has symptoms that are almost not felt by sufferers. Further research will develop this research by providing innovations in the form of stroke prevention activities as research output so that the information provided can be useful for patient families as a reliable educational tool considering that stroke is a disease that can cause death number 3 after cancer and heart disease.
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