Risk management in defense program: Evidence from Ukrainian arm forces
identification of threats; internal control; risk assessment; risk management.Abstract
Background: This research paper is of interest to representatives of the participants of the Internal Control Audit Service, managers at all levels within the system of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and other stakeholders directly involved in the implementation of internal controls. may pull. About risk management. Findings: Timely detection and identification of threats and risks depends on the efficiency and timeliness of assigned functions. The research work formulates the scientific task of determining the necessary competencies of members of the risk assessment group for internal control. According to the preliminary procedures for organizing the internal control of the Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine will establish the necessary risk assessment groups. Conclusion: Involvement of staff with the highest level of competence in the relevant field. As part of the course, a partial analysis of relevant documents regulating the structure and functioning of the Department of Defense's internal audit and internal control system is provided. Methods: This research paper uses the expert judgment method to determine the key competencies of members of the risk assessment group.
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