Kronologi Bangunan dalam Kompleks Candi Panataran Berdasarkan Studi Arkeoastronomi


  • Faqih Akbar Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, Program Studi Arkeologi, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia



archaeoastronomy, candi, Panataran candis complex, chronology


Until now, chronological reconstruction efforts at candis complex buildings still tend to use relative dating methods. The connection between the construction process of candi and astronomical objects raises the suspicion that chronological reconstruction can be carried out using the interdisciplinary integration between astronomy and archaeology. The archaeoastronomical study that applied to the buildings at the Panataran candis complex will giving infomartion related to the start of that buildings construction. The result of this study will be used to arrange the chronology of the development of Panataran candis complex.


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How to Cite

Akbar, F. (2024). Kronologi Bangunan dalam Kompleks Candi Panataran Berdasarkan Studi Arkeoastronomi . Archaeology Nexus: Journal of Conservation and Culture, 1(1).




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