Konsep “kampung pinisi-nusantara” sebagai upaya pengembangan ¬ethno-maritime tourism Sulawesi Selatan-IKN yang inklusif dan terkoneksi


  • Hutomo Putra Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN), Indonesia




Bulukumba, IKN, Kampung Pinisi Nusantara, maritime tourism


Based on Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the National Capital City, the new National Capital City (NCC) area was designated on January 18, 2022, named Nusantara. The relocation of the National Capital aims to distribute development to the Eastern part of Indonesia and establish Indonesia as a smart, green, and beautiful city center. Bulukumba Regency in South Sulawesi has unique maritime tourism potential, with its natural beauty and the tradition of building Pinisi ships being particularly attractive. By developing tourism based on local wisdom values in Bulukumba, it can support the goal of relocating the National Capital. This paper is prepared as an alternative recommendation in efforts to connect the NCC with South Sulawesi in terms of development and development. Literature study and SWOT analysis methods are applied to generate a concept that is not only theoretical but also practically implementable. So far, research on existing recommendations for maritime tourism concepts has been partial and not interconnected between different regions. Based on this, the author proposes the concept of "Kampung Pinisi-Nusantara" as an effort to develop inclusive and interconnected ethno-maritime tourism between the NCC and South Sulawesi.


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How to Cite

Putra, H. (2024). Konsep “kampung pinisi-nusantara” sebagai upaya pengembangan ¬ethno-maritime tourism Sulawesi Selatan-IKN yang inklusif dan terkoneksi. Archaeology Nexus: Journal of Conservation and Culture, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.61511/arc-jcc.v1i1.2024.628




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