Pembelajaran sejarah lokal melalui "History Bytes": tinjauan kasus di Barus, Sumatera Utara
Barus, History Bytes, learning modules, local historyAbstract
The advent of preserving and presenting history digitally has gained popularity since the evolution of Web 2.0, which enables individuals to access digital information effortlessly. Preserving and presenting history digitally, albeit conventionally through raw materials stored in archival warehouses, has become a norm. The local history of Barus is showcased through a historical presentation in the form of local history learning modules. Designed for high school students, these modules are conceptualized under the "history bytes" framework, presenting history in multi-format presentations including narrative, podcasts, and visuals. These modules constitute an interactive history learning experience that directly engages students with the themes of local Barus history against the backdrop of archaeological and historical remnants.
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