Social Class Representation in Metropole Cinema: A Historical Analysis of Spatial Dynamics and Social Hierarchies
archaeology, social, class, metropole, cinemaAbstract
Background: The Metropole Cinema in Jakarta, inaugurated in 1951, is one of the city’s historic cinemas that reflects social dynamics and class distinctions within society. It serves as a cultural landmark, illustrating the evolution of social hierarchies through its architectural design, seating arrangements, and facilities. By examining the changes in the cinema's spatial organization and management policies, this study aims to understand how social classes are represented and negotiated within this entertainment space. Methods: This study employs a social archaeology approach grounded in Chester & Hunt's social class theory to explore the representation of social classes within Metropole Cinema. A descriptive analysis method is used following the research stages designed by Sharer & Ashmore (2003), including formulation, implementation, data gathering, data processing, data analysis, data interpretation, and publication of results. Findings: The study reveals that Metropole Cinema's architectural layout and seating arrangements from 1951 to the present reflect social class distinctions. Initially, the cinema implemented a class-based seating system where the balcon and loge were exclusive areas for the upper class, while the stalles (first class) and second-class seating catered to the lower class. This spatial division highlights social hierarchies prevalent during its early years. Conclusion: The evolution of Metropole Cinema from an exclusive to an inclusive space illustrates the transformation of social class structures within Jakarta’s society. The architectural changes and management policies reflect broader social changes, highlighting the role of entertainment spaces in negotiating social identities. The study demonstrates how public spaces, like cinemas, can both reinforce and reshape social hierarchies. Novelty: This research offers a comprehensive historical analysis of Metropole Cinema, connecting architectural changes with social dynamics, and highlighting the impact of management decisions on social inclusivity.
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