Analysis of Feng Shui Principles in the Design of Tien Kok Sie Temple: A Historical and Field Observation Study
Feng Shui, Chinese Ethnic, Tien Kok Sie, TempleAbstract
Background: Tien Kok Sie Temple was built in 1745 in Surakarta and has been recognized as a cultural heritage building. As a place of worship for the Tri dharma community, predominantly of Chinese ethnicity, the temple embodies cultural and religious values. One notable aspects of temple’s design are the application of feng shui principles because Chinese people believe that feng shui can bring harmony and prosperity in life. This study aims to analyze the implementation of feng shui principles in Tien Kok Sie Temple based on data collected through field observations and historical research. Methods: This study employs a qualitative research approach to analyze the application of feng shui principles at Tien Kok Sie Temple. The research process is structured into three key stages: data collection, data processing, and data interpretation. Findings: The application of feng shui principles in a building involves several critical aspects, including the selection of the building’s location, its orientation, the interior layout, and the symbolism embedded in colors and ornaments used. Conclusion: Tien Kok Sie Temple effectively applies feng shui principles in its design and spatial arrangement. Additionally, several adjustments have been made over time to align the temple’s features with feng shui practices. Novelty/Originality of this article: The study goes beyond typical architectural analysis by exploring how feng shui influences the temple’s cultural, religious, and spatial dimensions. It reveals how these principles are adapted over time, emphasizing their role in preserving the temple's cultural and architectural identity. This approach offers fresh insights into the impact of feng shui on the design and functionality of sacred spaces in the Chinese tradition.
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