Implementation of the Yin and Yang concept in the spatial planning of the Sin Tek Bio temple cultural heritage building
chinese temple, spatial planning, yin, yangAbstract
Background: The concept of yin and yang is a way of thinking of Chinese people regarding two opposing elements but producing balance. The concept of yin and yang can be implemented in everything in everyday life, one of which is in the architecture of the temple. The Sin Tek Bio Temple is one of the oldest temples in Jakarta which was built in the late 17th century AD and has been designated as a Cultural Heritage Building. This study discusses the implementation of the yin and yang concept in the spatial planning of the Sin Tek Bio Temple building. Methods: This study uses a descriptive analysis method. The archaeological research method according to Sharer and Ashmore is used to answer the research problem. The method begins with the formulation stage, then implementation, data collection, data processing, data analysis, data interpretation, and research publication. The analysis was carried out on the spatial layout of the temple building. Findings: The application of the yin and yang concept is seen in the mapping of the public and private spaces of the temple building, but is not seen in the spatial layout, relationships between spaces, and spatial organization in the temple. Conclusion: The spatial planning of the temple building does not create positive energy (chi). Novelty/Originality of this article: This study involves an archaeological perspective in examining the concept of yin and yang in spatial planning to discover the positive or negative energy (chi) that radiates in a temple building.
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