The use of remote sensing in monitoring shoreline change: implications for maritime area security


  • Annisa Harum Sadewa Sensing Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
  • Asep Adang Supriyadi Sensing Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia



maritime security, remote sensing, shoreline change


Background: Remote sensing has become an important technology in monitoring coastline change and maritime security. In this context, the literature highlights the history and understanding of remote sensing, its benefits in defense and security, and its applications in disaster mitigation and environmental management. Shoreline change analysis methods such as Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) and COASTSAT are also the focus of study to understand effective approaches in shoreline monitoring. Methods: This study used a literature review method to collect and evaluate journal articles, research reports, and official documentation related to remote sensing, maritime defense and security, and shoreline change analysis. The collected data were analyzed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the concepts, applications, and methods related to the research topic. Results: The results of the literature review show that remote sensing plays a crucial role in monitoring shoreline change and maritime security. The benefits include monitoring military activities, disaster mitigation, and coastal environmental management. Moreover, the analysis of shoreline change using the DSAS and COASTSAT methods offers a different yet effective approach in measuring and understanding shoreline change. Conclusion: In order to maintain maritime security and effectively manage shoreline change, collaboration between countries and the utilization of remote sensing technologies are key. This research provides an in-depth understanding of the concepts, benefits and methods related to the topic, and encourages further exploration of the potential of remote sensing in supporting environmental sustainability and regional peace.


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