Utilization of remote sensing in monitoring terrorism threats in the border areas of Indonesia: In the context of relocating the capital city


  • Dipo Andimuharrom Sensing Technology Study, Faculty of Defense Science and Technology, Indonesia Defense University, Bogor, West Java 16810, Indonesia




border security, capital city, development, geopolitical, geospatial intelligence, remote sensing, terrorism threat


Background: The relocation of the capital city of Indonesia (Ibu Kota Negara/IKN) to the island of Kalimantan presents new challenges concerning national security, particularly in addressing terrorism threats in border regions. These threats can potentially disrupt national stability and development, necessitating serious attention from the government and stakeholders. This research aims to explore the application of remote sensing technology in monitoring terrorism threats in Indonesia's border regions and to formulate more effective prevention strategies. Method: This research explores the application of remote sensing technology in monitoring terrorism threats in Indonesia's border regions and formulates more effective prevention strategies. The study employed brainstorming analysis to gather diverse perspectives based on relevant references and scientific journals, organizing these into an analytical framework. Combining brainstorming methods with scientific journal references enriched the research process while enhancing the validity and reliability of findings, allowing for comprehensive, evidence-based recommendations that contribute significantly to policy development and field practices. Findings: Findings indicate that the geographical location of the new capital, being close to the border, may increase security risks. The application of remote sensing technology can significantly enhance early detection capabilities for suspicious activities along borders. By providing more efficient real-time monitoring, these systems facilitate timely interventions and aid in predicting potential terrorism risks through advanced geospatial analysis. Conclusion: The results of this study have significant implications for national security strategic planning, emphasizing the need for technology integration into defense systems and counter-terrorism efforts, as well as enhancing international cooperation in maintaining security in border areas.  Novelty/Originality of this article: This study provides a novel approach to national security in the context of Indonesia's capital relocation by examining the potential of remote sensing technology for terrorism threat monitoring in border regions.


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