Patterns of oceanographic factor distribution and tuna fishing potential: Spatial and temporal analysis


  • Debiyanti Debiyanti Sensing Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Bogor 16810, Indonesia
  • Dadang Gunawan Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 16424, Indonesia
  • Setyo Budiyanto Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mercu Buana, Central Jakarta, 1034, Indonesia



chlorophyll-a concentration, mackerel fishing potential, oceanographic factors, sea surface temperature (SST)


Background: The North Natuna Sea, located south of the South China Sea, is renowned for its rich marine biodiversity and significant role in regional fisheries. Oceanographic factors such as sea surface temperature (SST), chlorophyll-a concentration, and salinity are key influences on fish distribution and abundance in this area. While previous studies have highlighted the relationship between these factors and fishing patterns, the connection between oceanographic conditions and mackerel fishing potential remains insufficiently explored. This study aims to analyze the spatial and temporal variation of these oceanographic factors and their impact on mackerel fishing potential in the North Natuna Sea. Methods: The study utilized Aqua-MODIS satellite imagery data from 2017 to 2021 for spatial and temporal analysis of oceanographic factors. Results: Significant variations were observed in sea surface temperature, chlorophyll-a concentration, and salinity across different seasons. Higher mackerel fishing potential was identified during the Western Season and Transitional Season II, which were characterized by lower sea surface temperatures and higher chlorophyll-a concentrations. Conclusion: Understanding the seasonal variations in oceanographic factors is crucial for optimizing sustainable fishing practices in the North Natuna Sea. Novelty/Originality of this Research: This study offers new insights into the interplay between oceanographic conditions and mackerel fishing potential, providing valuable information for the sustainable management with a focus on the seasonal dynamics of marine environments.


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