Dynamics of seasonal impacts on Total Suspended Solid (TSS) concentrations in coastal Semarang City using landsat 8
total suspended solid (TSS), landsat 8 OLI/TIRS, Semarang City coast, Syarif Budiman algorithm, remote sensingAbstract
Background: Semarang City, located in Central Java, faces significant water quality challenges in its coastal areas due to various activities such as industrial operations, trade, fisheries, and infrastructure development. One major concern is the concentration of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) in the coastal waters, which negatively impacts the marine ecosystem and the fisheries sector. This study aims to measure and analyze the distribution of TSS concentrations in the coastal waters of Semarang City from March to August 2018. Methods: Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS satellite image data, obtained from the USGS, was used for this study. The images were captured on March 18, April 3, May 17, June 6, July 24, and August 25, 2018. The data processing included radiometric correction (TOA), image cropping, land-sea masking, and the application of the Syarif Budiman algorithm to calculate TSS concentrations. TSS concentration classification followed Alabaster and Lloyd’s (1982) categorization. Findings: TSS concentrations in the coastal waters of Semarang City varied between 36-220 mg/L. During the rainy season (March-May), concentrations ranged from 111-210 mg/L, while in the dry season (June-August), concentrations were lower, between 105-108 mg/L. Higher TSS concentrations were observed near estuaries and industrial areas, particularly in Genuk and Tugu sub-districts. Conclusion: TSS concentrations along the coast of Semarang City from March to August 2018 fell within class II and III of the Alabaster and Lloyd classification, indicating negative impacts on the fisheries sector. The increased TSS levels during the rainy season resulted from accumulated waste carried by water flow from human activities along the coast. Effective effluent management is essential to improve water quality and sustain the fisheries sector. Novelty/Originality of this article: This study provides a detailed spatial and temporal analysis of TSS distribution using satellite imagery, offering critical insights into the seasonal impacts of human activities on coastal water quality in Semarang City. The findings emphasize the need for targeted environmental management strategies to support sustainable coastal development.
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