Fenomena hukuman mati di Indonesia: Tinjauan dari aspek norma, moral, dan legalitas


  • Vania Rebecca Christabel Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia


death penalty, norm, morals, legality


Background: This study discusses the phenomenon of the death penalty in Indonesia in cases of premeditated murder from the perspective of H.L.A. Hart. Moral and justice analysis on cases of premeditated murder will have different perspectives and conclusions compared to general discussions on the death penalty. Methods: This research is qualitative, which is a literature study on current issues and is descriptive-analytical. Data analysis in this research uses description, induction and deduction, holistic, internal coherence, and reflection. Finding: The findings of this study indicate that the death penalty in cases of premeditated murder in Indonesia, from a legal standpoint, does not violate or contradict Indonesian positive law. However, from a normative standpoint, the existence of the death penalty itself does not align with the norms observed in Indonesian society that respect human life. Therefore, it is necessary to uphold the judicial process undergone by the convicts so that various cases such as the phenomenon of death row and unfair trials do not occur again. Conclusion: Lastly, regarding the moral aspect, concerning moral views according to Hart, the phenomenon of the death penalty is essentially considered immoral.


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