Reconception of the law enforcement towards online gambling practices through integrated machine learning system as an attempt on eradicating digital based crimes
criminal law, internet, machine learning, online gamblingAbstract
Background: Technological innovation truly creates new dynamics in life. Technological innovation in the form of artificial intelligence (AI) is a reality that affects several aspects of life such as law, technology, and economy. One of the legal challenges are the cases of online gambling in Indonesia. The purpose of writing this scientific paper is to determine the existing conditions related to the regulation and the law enforcement of online gambling law in Indonesia. Methods: In this scientific paper, a doctrinal research method is used with research results in the form of reintegration of law and governance through a more responsive reconception of rules. Findings: The study found that, from the conditions of the legal challenges of online gambling in Indonesia has had a major impact on social change in society, including the practice of cultural normalization. In these circumstances, legal regulations need to be balanced with more responsive law enforcement, one of which is utilizing the AI system, namely Machine Learning. Conclusion: The circumstances that occur related to the matter of discussion comes to a need for an effort to formulate regulations and strengthening institutional authority in supervising and restricting online gambling and also the need for a better observation of law in the form of scope analysis along with a comprehensive direction and substantive of the law by paying attention to philosophical, sociological and juridical aspects. Novelty/Originality of This Study: This study introduces the use of AI, particularly Machine Learning, in regulating and enforcing online gambling laws in Indonesia. It offers a new approach by integrating technology with legal and social considerations to improve oversight and enforcement in the fight against online gambling.
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