Islamic perspective on Nyilih Wadon tradition in Kalisabuk Village: between traditional and sharia
cultural practices (‘urf), islamic law (fiqh), nyilih wadon, walīmatul ma’dubatu, walīmatul ‘ursAbstract
Background: The tradition of nyilih wadon is a unique cultural practice in Desa Kalisabuk, Kecamatan Kesugihan, Kabupaten Cilacap, conducted during pre-wedding celebrations. This tradition involves the temporary "borrowing" of the bride by the groom to attend a wedding celebration before the Islamic marriage contract (akad nikah). While it holds cultural significance, its conformity with Islamic law remains a topic of interest. Methods: This study employed a qualitative approach, combining field observations, interviews with local community members, and analysis of relevant Islamic jurisprudence texts. The study also utilized a comparative analysis of Islamic schools of thought (mazhab) to assess the alignment of nyilih wadon with Islamic legal principles. Findings: The findings reveal that, under Islamic law, nyilih wadon cannot be categorized as walīmatul ‘urs because it occurs before the akad nikah, violating the prescribed sequence for walimah. However, when viewed from the broader classification of walimah, it aligns with walīmatul ma’dubatu (a celebration held without a specific cause), making it permissible (mubah) in Islamic jurisprudence. The study also identifies the tradition as ‘urf sahih (valid custom) as it does not conflict with Islamic principles and serves as a culturally meaningful practice to introduce the bride to the community. Conclusion: The tradition of nyilih wadon is not considered walīmatul ‘urs but fits within the framework of walīmatul ma’dubatu. It is classified as ‘urf sahih under Islamic law due to its compliance with religious guidelines. This tradition reflects the harmonious interplay between local customs and Islamic values when practiced responsibly. Novelty/Originality of this article: This study offers a nuanced examination of nyilih wadon within the dual contexts of Islamic law and cultural traditions, providing clarity on its categorization under Islamic jurisprudence. It contributes to the discourse on integrating local customs (‘urf) with religious practices, highlighting the adaptability of Islamic law to diverse cultural contexts.
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