Structural pressure and violence against girls: a socio-ecological perspective on gender injustice and legal protection


  • Ilham Dwi Hatmawan Criminology Program, Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Ni Made Martini Puteri Criminology, Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, University of Indonesia, Indonesia


gender norms, legal protection, socio-ecological model, structural pressure, violence against girls


Background: Girls in many societies, especially in developing countries, are often burdened with structural pressures stemming from unfavorable social norms, culture and legal systems. These pressures can increase their risk of involvement in violence and discrimination, both as victims and perpetrators. This study aims to understand the dynamics of pressures on girls and how these factors contribute to their involvement in violence, as well as how social and legal systems exacerbate their situation. Methods: This research used a qualitative approach with case study analysis on the subject of girls who experienced violence and discrimination. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with research subjects, involving women from various socio-economic backgrounds, as well as analysis of literature relevant to this topic. The Social-Ecological Model was used to describe the interaction between individual, family, community and social policy factors that affect girls. Findings: The research found that the pressure on girls starts from birth, with a much heavier social burden compared to boys. This pressure stems from social expectations that place them in narrow gender roles, and a lack of family and social support. Girls who experience violence often go unrecorded in the statistical system, while those who try to protect themselves in ways that are considered “unnatural” are treated more severely by society. Conclusion: Girls involved in violence, whether as victims or trapped in harmful social norms, should not be blamed. They are victims of a system that is not in their favor, whether from a legal, social or economic perspective. Therefore, stronger legal protections and more pro-girl social policies are needed to reduce the structural pressures they face and to provide them with equal opportunities to access their basic rights. Novelty/Originality of this article: This article provides a new perspective on the structural pressures girls face, which are often overlooked in studies of gender violence and discrimination. Integrating a social-ecological framework, this research highlights the interactions between individual, family, community and social policy factors in shaping girls' experiences of violence, and offers more holistic policy recommendations to protect their rights.


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