Effectiveness of rehabilitation type adjustment based on CMP analysis in improving cost efficiency and success of rehabilitation program for drug abusers


  • Habbibul Haris Criminology Program, Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Ni Made Martini Puteri Criminology, Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, University of Indonesia, Indonesia


CMP analysis, cost-efficiency of rehabilitation, outpatient rehabilitation, integrated assessment, risk level


Background: Outpatient rehabilitation for drug abusers is often inappropriate for individual conditions, which may affect the effectiveness of rehabilitation. This study aims to evaluate the difference between the results of integrated assessment recommendations and CMP analysis in determining the type of rehabilitation appropriate to the suspect's risk level. Methods: This study used a comparative analysis approach between the results of the integrated assessment recommendations and the CMP analysis, which integrates social and economic dimensions to assess the suitability of the type of rehabilitation based on the individual's risk level. Findings: The results of the analysis showed a discrepancy between the integrated assessment recommendations and the CMP analysis, where only a small proportion of suspects were recommended for outpatient rehabilitation despite having favorable social conditions. In addition, the CMP analysis showed that adjusting the type of rehabilitation to the level of risk can reduce the rehabilitation costs borne by the state. Conclusion: Adjusting the type of rehabilitation according to the level of risk and socio-economic condition of the individual can increase the effectiveness of rehabilitation and reduce the cost burden on the state. The integrated assessment team is advised to further consider these factors in providing matched rehabilitation recommendations. Novelty/Originality of this article: This study introduces the use of CMP analysis as a tool to optimize the determination of rehabilitation type, which integrates economic dimensions in designing rehabilitation financing, and makes an important contribution to improving the efficiency of drug rehabilitation programs.


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