Analysis of sexual violence in the campus environment before and after the enactment of Permendikbud No. 30 of 2021 concerning prevention and handling of sexual violence


  • Khairina Sekar Wijayanti
  • Ni Made Martini Puteri


campus environment, permendikbud no. 30 of 2021, prevention and handling, sexual violence, violence reporting


Background: Sexual violence on campuses is a pervasive and serious issue. Prior to the enactment of the
Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 30 of 2021 on the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence
(PPKS), the prevalence of sexual violence cases on campuses was high, but victims seldom reported incidents
directly to their institutions. This study seeks to analyze changes in the forms of sexual violence, the location of
incidents, the type of reporting, and the status of victims before and after the implementation of the regulation.
Methods: This study utilized secondary data collected from various news media and social media posts between
2015 and 2021. The data were categorized and analyzed based on the forms of sexual violence, the locations of
incidents, the type of reporting, and the status of victims. The news sources were verified by the Press Council
to ensure the credibility of the data. Findings: The findings indicate that sexual harassment was the most
prevalent form of sexual violence, accounting for 80% of cases before and 75% after the PPKS regulation. Most
incidents occurred on campus, with 35% of cases before and 33.3% after the regulation. However, direct
reporting to campuses decreased from 55% before to 33.3% after the regulation's implementation. The vast
majority of victims were female students, comprising 90% of cases before and 100% after the regulation.
Conclusion: Although the PPKS regulation was introduced to address sexual violence on campuses, the rate of
direct reporting to campus authorities remains low. Victims tend to report incidents to external organizations
rather than their institutions, signaling the need for improvements in campus mechanisms for preventing and
handling sexual violence. Novelty/Originality of This Study: This study provides a comparative analysis of
sexual violence on campuses before and after the implementation of the PPKS regulation. It offers new insights
into how reporting practices and the handling of cases have evolved, highlighting the ongoing challenges in
improving campus-based responses to sexual violence.


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