Analysis of critical criminology theory in the death penalty case of narcotics convicts in Indonesia


  • Putri Dwiranti Azzahra Criminology Program, Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Ni Made Martini Puteri Criminology Program, Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, University of Indonesia, Indonesia


critical criminology, death penalty, drug crime, state crime


Background: This study examines the application of fair trial principles in death penalty cases involving
narcotics convicts in Indonesia from a critical criminology perspective. Critical criminology highlights the power
imbalances that criminalize vulnerable groups, often leading to their disproportionate punishment. In narcotics
crimes, low-level couriers—typically from poor and marginalized backgrounds—are at the greatest risk of
receiving the death penalty. This research focuses on identifying whether fair trial principles are upheld in such
cases, where vulnerable individuals are often exploited by narcotics networks. Methods: The study utilizes
secondary data from 10 death penalty cases involving narcotics convicts over the past 20 years. A coding system
was applied to analyze demographic variables and the adherence to fair trial principles in each case. The analysis
focuses on violations of core fair trial principles, such as equality before the law, presumption of innocence,
access to legal representation, and the right to a fair and timely trial. Findings: The research found that most
narcotics convicts sentenced to death were foreign nationals, predominantly male, and served as couriers. In
many cases, fair trial principles were violated, including failure to ensure equality before the law, presumption
of innocence, timely notification of charges, adequate time to prepare a defense, the right to legal assistance,
examination of witnesses, and the right not to self-incriminate. These violations reflect systemic flaws in
Indonesia's criminal justice system, allowing for human rights abuses that can be seen as state crime.
Conclusion: The study concludes that the criminal justice system in Indonesia often fails to ensure fair trials for
narcotics convicts, particularly for vulnerable groups such as couriers. Many of these individuals are coerced or
deceived into their roles by narcotics organizations, making them victims rather than fully responsible
offenders. Alternatives to the death penalty should be prioritized to provide these vulnerable individuals a
second chance and to correct the systemic inequities in the justice process. Novelty/Originality of This Study:
This research contributes to the discourse on capital punishment by combining critical criminology with the
analysis of fair trial principles in narcotics-related death penalty cases. It sheds light on the intersection of power
imbalances, criminal justice flaws, and human rights violations, offering a fresh perspective on how vulnerable
individuals are criminalized and sentenced to death in Indonesia's narcotics cases.


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