Pengaruh modal sosial dan karakteristik orang tua terhadap capaian pendidikan jenjang SMP dan SMA


  • Herdina Nur Islamiati Program Studi Ilmu Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Dwini Handayani Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Program Studi Ilmu Ekonomi Univeristas Indonesia, Indonesia



capaian pendidikan, modal sosial, orang tua, SMA, SMP


Background: Social capital is an indispensable component in discussing the role of parents in children's education. This means there is a relationship between social capital and parental characteristics. This study aims to elucidate the influence of social capital and these characteristics on educational attainment in Indonesia at the junior high school (SMP) and senior high school (SMA) levels. Methods: This study uses secondary data from the Indonesia Family Life Survey, processed using a logit regression model. Theoretically, this study also employs social capital theory and the concept of parental characteristics. Finding: Social capital generally influences educational attainment. At the junior high school level, parental expectations are reflected in the child's educational level. At the senior high school level, the higher the educational level, the greater the social capital needed. Similarly, the duration of education and family economic conditions also affect educational attainment. Conclusion: The study concludes that social capital significantly influences education at different levels.


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