Unveiling the epidemic: Exploring patterns and factors of violence against women in Indonesia


  • Wulan Aji Prabawaningrum Administrative Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas 17 August 1945 Semarang, Indonesia




gender-based violence, legal awareness, patriarchal culture, women's empowerment


Background: The paper explores the issue of violence against women in Indonesia, focusing on its various forms, contributing factors, and implications. Methods: Drawing upon a comprehensive analysis of secondary data from reputable sources, including government reports and previous research studies, the study highlights the pervasive nature of gender-based violence and its detrimental effects on the physical and psychological well-being of women and children. Finding: The research reveals a sharp increase in cases of violence against women, particularly sexual and psychological violence, with familial contexts being predominant settings for such incidents. Factors contributing to this phenomenon include legal awareness, patriarchal culture, economic instability, allegations of infidelity, and early marriage. Conclusion: The findings underscore the urgent need for comprehensive efforts to address societal norms, legal frameworks, economic disparities, and cultural attitudes to effectively combat violence against women and ensure their protection and empowerment.


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