Representation of Indonesian women politicians: Media analysis to G30S PKI incident coverage from 1965 to 2015


  • BILLY K. SARWONO Department of Communication Science, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia



G30S/PKI incident, media representation, Gerwani and female politicians


Background: The G30S/PKI incident that occurred in 1965 is known for the murder of six generals by the Indonesian Communist Party (Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI)). The “New Order” (Orba) regime under Suharto carried out the extermination of hundreds of PKI members and supporters, imprisoning thousands of people, including members of Gerwani and those who were neither PKI nor Gerwani members, due to biases and assumptions. Since the Reformation era of 1998, many historical facts about G30S/PKI have been questioned by the public. Over the past 50 years, issues related to G30S/PKI have fluctuated in media coverage. Today, the representation of female politicians cannot be separated from the negative memories of the tragedy and the militant image of Gerwani. Methods: The research questions are: How consistent is media reporting when covering the same issue in different political contexts? How does the media, as a means of value socialization, influence the collective memory of society regarding women's activities in politics?. The research is conducted using content analysis of a national newspaper from 1965 to 2015 to examine the visibility of Gerwani-related issues over time. Discourse analysis is also used to explore the role and position of Gerwani. Findings: The results indicate that the media tends to side with the dominant group, namely the rulers, and does not voice the interests of weaker groups. Women's interests are framed and represented through the perspective of men. Conclusion: In this context, female politicians receive more appreciation from society when they do not emphasize militant methods in advocating their ideas but instead focus on a caring approach. Novelty/Originality of this Study: The originality of this study lies in its focus on the evolving portrayal of Gerwani over different political eras and its examination of the media's role in shaping collective memory and gender biases. It uniquely integrates the political economy of communication, collective memory, and feminist perspectives to explore how media representation impacts societal views on women in politics.


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How to Cite

SARWONO, B. K. (2024). Representation of Indonesian women politicians: Media analysis to G30S PKI incident coverage from 1965 to 2015. Journal of Gender Equality Disability Social Inclusion and Children, 2(1).




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