Bencana natural hazard-triggered technological accidents pada kota industri rawan bencana


  • Andro Ramada Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia



natech, disaster risk management, disaster mitigation, risk management strategies, systematic literature review


Background: Natural hazard-triggered technological accidents (natech), formed from the intersection of natural disasters causing technological accidents, have garnered attention regarding disaster management and risk mitigation. A profound understanding of natech risk management strategies and practices becomes highly significant. This research explores and synthesizes findings from existing literature, with a specific focus on two case studies: one from Japan and another from Indonesia, to identify best practices, challenges, and recommendations for enhancing natech risk management strategies. Methods: Through the systematic literature review (SLR) method, this research identifies, evaluates, and integrates findings from various literature sources, including journal articles, government reports, and natech disaster-related documentation. Finding: This analysis yields valuable insights into key factors influencing the effectiveness of natech disaster response and mitigation, such as effective planning and coordination, community involvement, and the application of current technology and innovation. The research results indicate that effective risk management strategies require an integrated approach that combines technical, organizational, and social aspects. Additionally, the research also highlights the importance of adaptation and flexibility in risk management strategies and practices to address the complexity and uncertainty associated with natech disasters. Conclusion: Based on the literature synthesis, this research also presents concrete recommendations for enhancing policies, practices, and further research in the field of natech risk management.


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