COVID-19 contact tracing apps in the Netherlands and Indonesia and its privacy concerns: A comparative review


  • Fitrisia Rahma School of Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Raldi Hendro Koestoer School of Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia



Corona Melder, COVID-19, Peduli Lindungi, privacy policy


Background: In this COVID-19 pandemic, all affected countries are making efforts to end the pandemic quickly. One of the efforts made is contact tracing. At first, contact tracing is done by officers interviewing confirmed patients and then filling in the results of the interview on an epidemiological manually in investigation form. Then, the government developed a contact tracing application to optimize this activity. However, the use of the application raises the issue of user concern over the privacy of personal data entered into the application. This article compares the use of the app and user concerns about its privacy in the Netherlands and Indonesia. Methods: We use the comparative literature review method with inclusion criteria only including studies that provide information about the use of PeduliLindungi application in Indonesia and CoronaMelder in the Netherlands, especially those that discuss privacy policy concerns in their use. Finding: Both Netherlands and Indonesia have high population densities which is a risk factor for the easy spread of COVID-19. The governments of both countries have developed contact tracing applications to enhance their efforts in handling COVID-19. People using this application are concerned about the privacy policy of personal data entered into the application. However, it doesn’t reduce the number of application users because the use of these applications is required by the government. Conclusion: The importance of contact tracing activities in disaster management is of concern to the government so that these activities run optimally. The contact tracing application developed can be easily used but has a privacy policy issue that can be re-evaluated so that security can be increased in maintaining the privacy of users' data.


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