Enhancing youth preparedness and resilience in earthquake disaster mitigation: evaluating the impact of disaster education workshops
community resilience, disaster education, disaster mitigation, youth preparednessAbstract
Bacground: Indonesia, as the world's largest archipelagic country, faces significant natural disaster risks due to its location on the "Ring of Fire." This study examines the knowledge and role of the younger generation in disaster preparedness in Pangalengan, focusing on understanding risks, actions during earthquakes, and information dissemination to enhance community resilience. Methods: The research method used is a field survey and workshop activities consisting of distributing oral questions, direct questions and questionnaires distributed before and after the workshop. While for area analysis, it was carried out by interviews and location surveys and the use of Google Maps. This study was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Pangalengan, West Java, with 150 students participating. From 9 schools located around the city of Pangalengan. Findings: The 4-hour disaster mitigation workshop, guided by 4 teachers and 3 presenters from Kitakyushu, Japan, emphasized the importance of disaster education in preparing the younger generation, especially for earthquakes in Indonesia. The workshop provided students with valuable knowledge about disaster preparedness, including evacuation steps, sheltering, helping others, and assembling a disaster preparedness bag. It also taught students to identify safe places and understand the early warning system. Furthermore, the workshop increased students' sense of responsibility, concern for their own and others' safety, and enhanced their mental resilience. The skills and knowledge gained improved their confidence in handling emergency situations. Conclusion: Disaster education not only reduces the risk and negative impacts of disasters but also forms a generation that is more aware and responsible for the environment and shared safety. Novelty/Originality of This Study: This research contributes to the academic discourse by evaluating the effectiveness of disaster education workshops in enhancing youth preparedness and resilience, with a particular focus on the role of interactive learning in promoting community engagement and fostering a culture of responsibility in disaster-prone regions.
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