Forms and Methods of Communication in Vedic and Hindu Literature: Hermeneutic Studies of Communication Theory


  • Ni Made Yuliani 1 Hindu State University of I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar, Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Ni Made Ayu Susanthi Pradnya Paramitha Hindu State University of I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar, Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Ni Putu Ayu Desi Wulandari Hindu State University of I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, Indonesia



Veda, communication, Sanskrit texts


The Vedas are the source of knowledge, as the root word Vid means knowledge. The Sruti Vedas explain the importance of the faculty of speech. Vak (speech) in the Veda is related to Saraswati, namely the ability to speak or vicara (speaking-verbal communication). This research is a qualitative research that focuses on the text. Text research, researchers are dealing with various texts that are ready to be studied and explored. Data obtained through observation and literature study methods. In this case the texts studied are the Vedas and Hindu Literature which are related to the object of research in the field of communication. The theory used is hermeneutics. The Hindu Vedic tradition of thought inherits many philosophical schools, and as such incorporates a wide range of resources that can be studied in relation to the discipline of communication. The need is to explore, reinterpret and re-contextualize texts in a new light. The scope of communication discourse from a Hindu perspective is very broad, but the discourse is limited to a limited domain. Theories and methods of communication are extensively discussed in Sanskrit texts such as Bharata's Nāṭyaśāstra, Bhartrihari's Vakyapadiya, and Panini's Astadhyayi. Likewise, speech and rhetoric are widely discussed in the classic anviksiki texts which are the knowledge of Medhatiti Gautama


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How to Cite

Yuliani, N. M., Paramitha, N. M. A. S. P., & Wulandari, N. P. A. D. . (2023). Forms and Methods of Communication in Vedic and Hindu Literature: Hermeneutic Studies of Communication Theory. Dharmakirti : International Journal of Religion, Mind and Science, 1(1).




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