Potential aquatic fauna in the food chain system in the coastal mangrove ecosystem of tomini bay boalemo Gorontalo
aquatic fauna, food chain, mangrovesAbstract
Background: Mangrove forests are one of the potential coastal and marine natural resources owned by Indonesia, one of the areas in Indonesia that has the largest mangrove forest is the coast of Tomini Bay Gorontalo and is a habitat for aquatic fauna. The coastal mangrove ecosystem area of Tomini Bay Gorontalo is known to have decreased in mangrove area from year to year due to conversion into agricultural land, fisheries, and housing as happened in the mangrove forest of Boalemo Regency. The loss of mangrove vegetation has caused disturbances in ecological balance and has an impact on the loss of various species of aquatic fauna If the rate of mangrove damage is not stopped immediately, it is feared that it will have a negative impact on the diversity of aquatic fauna living in the coastal mangrove forest of Gorontalo Tomini Bay. Methods: The method used in this research is survey method, which is a method of collecting data directly at the research location. Data analysis using the calculation of density index (Di), abundance index, species diversity, dominance index (C) and mangrove ecosystem food chain model analysis using model diagram. Findings: The results showed that there were several types of aquatic fauna found, namely the Pisces class found 3 orders and 5 families. Crustacean class found 1 order and 2 families. In the Gastropoda class found 3 orders and 3 families. Conclusion: The mangrove ecosystem food chain model at level I consumers are inhabited by mollusc classes, crustaceans, and a small portion of the pisces class. Second-level consumers belong to the class of crustaceans of the genus Scylla and pisces and the highest consumers are occupied by pelagic fish species belonging to the Carangidae family. Novelty/Originality of this article: The novelty in this study is to create a series of mangrove ecosystem food chain models in the Tomini Bay area.
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