Segmentasi sertifikat halal pada wilayah Indonesia menggunakan k-means clustering di badan penyelenggara jaminan produk halal
halal certificate, halal product, segmentation, clustering, k-means clusteringAbstract
The need for halal products has now become a universal issue, affecting all customers, not just Muslims. Halal certificates can guarantee safety, cleanliness, and halalness, to increase the added value for business actors. This study uses the K-Means clustering approach to identify the segmentation of halal certificates in Indonesia. Thus, the government can create a suitable strategy for each regional group. There are 12 variables that serve as benchmarks in this study, namely the number of Halal certificates, the number of Halal products, the number of Halal certificates based on the type of registration, business scale, type of service, marketing area, and the average growth of each variable. Data processing is assisted by the SPSS V.25 application. The results of the study show that Cluster 1 is a regional group with the highest average growth of halal certificates but lacking in quantity. Cluster 2 is a regional group with an average growth rate that is always positive. Cluster 3 is a regional group that has the lowest average growth of halal certificates and has been experiencing a decline in recent years. Cluster 4 is a regional group dominated by large business enterprises that need to be maintained and improved. Cluster 5 is a regional group dominated by local micro and small businesses.
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