Understanding the global e-waste crisis


  • Regina Desire Gaghana Department of Environmental Engineering, President University, Indonesia




crisis, electronic waste, global issue


Background: Electronic waste is a global issue affecting all mankind. This research aims to provide an understanding of electronic waste, including its problems, causes, and what humans can do to address it. Methods: This study employs a literature review to discuss the topic. Finding: The rapid advancement of technology has had a major impact on the amount of e-waste generated worldwide. The most effective way to reduce the amount of e-waste generated is to encourage people to reuse and recycle their electronic devices. The results of this study demonstrate the need for better management of e-waste. Conclusion: The e-waste crisis is a growing global problem that is having a significant impact on the environment and human health. Fortunately, there are a variety of potential solutions to the e-waste crisis. Governments can create regulations that require manufacturers to take responsibility for the disposal of their products. Consumers can also play an important role by recycling their old electronics and purchasing products with longer lifespans. By implementing these solutions, we can reduce the amount of e-waste generated and help protect our environment and human health.


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