Penggunaan bioaktivator air limbah tahu (whey) dengan bioaktivator effective microorganisms dalam pemanfaatan limbah organik
air limbah tahu, bioaktivator, effective microorganismsAbstract
Background: This study aims to assess the effectiveness of using tofu wastewater bioactivator (whey) and effective microorganisms (EM4) in the production of liquid organic fertilizer from organic waste. Methods: Experimental method was used with two different treatments in the fermentation process, namely the addition of EM4 bioactivator and the addition of tofu wastewater. The materials used included leftover vegetables from the market, dried leaves, and tofu dregs. The fermentation process lasted for 14 days under anaerobic conditions. Finding: The research results indicate that the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium content in the liquid organic fertilizer produced did not differ significantly between the two treatments. The nitrogen content in the fertilizer with the addition of EM4 was 0.31%, while in the fertilizer with the addition of tofu water it was 0.38%. The phosphorus and potassium levels in both fertilizers were still below the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) for liquid organic fertilizer. Conclusion: Thus, the samples produced are more accurately categorized as soil conditioners. This research provides new insights into the sustainable utilization of organic waste and adds value to waste that has not been optimally utilized.
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