Pencemaran limbah printed circuit board dari kegiatan kelistrikan PLN
limbah elektronik, pencemaran , printed circuit boardAbstract
Background: This article aims to discuss the topic of electronic waste pollution, specifically focusing on printed circuit board (PCBs). In many developing countries, including Indonesia, this waste is not properly regulated, despite being hazardous. Methods: To address this topic, the author employs a literature review as the basis and reference for topic development. Finding: Due to its negative impacts on health and the environment, as well as issues of illegal cross-border trade, electronic waste has become a global concern. While this waste can be technologically processed, it requires high costs, which have not been implemented in Indonesia. However, from a sociological perspective, this waste can endanger public health, so a solution is to creatively process it through art. Conclusion: As a hazardous entity, electronic waste needs to be processed, and tree planting activities are required to offset its negative impacts.
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