Burned area mapping in Dendang District, Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency using sentinel-2
forest and land fires, NBR indices, sentinel-2Abstract
Remote Sensing is a way to provide information efficiently both in terms of cost and time. In addition, the use of remote sensing in mapping the burned area can be carried out on a large scale but with a fast time for the prevention of land fires. Monitoring of forest fires is carried out to see locations that often become fire hotspots every year and to prevent frequent land and forest fires.The method used in this study is to map the burned area using multi-temporal data using the Normalized burning Ratio and Normalized burning Ratio 2 indices from Sentinel-2 images in May and September 2019. The trend data can be used to evaluate the moratorium on forest business permits or a peatland. Sentinel 2 has a higher spatial resolution of 20 meters compared to other multispectral images that can be accessed easily and free of charge, so it is suitable to be applied in areas that are not too large and minimizes the value of estimation errors, using Sentinel 2 imagery which has 13 channels will Selected several channels that can be used for index transformation, namely the NBR (Normalized Burn Ratio) and NBR2 (Normalized Burn Ratio2) indexes, both indices utilize Near Infrared, SWIR1, and SWIR2 channels which can provide information about the area after land fires,The research results obtained that burned areas are often identified as barren land, such as peat canals or vacant land. This is because the spectral reflection characteristics of objects in burnt areas are the same as those in non-vegetated land areas when the NBR index is transformed using the NIR, SWIR1 and SWIR2 channels.
Keywords: Forest and land fires, NBR Indices, Sentinel-2.
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